Selim is our Mastro Pinsa and Pizza Chef.
Born in Magliana district, a popular neighbourhood of Rome, he inherited the love for cooking from his maternal grandma, who has worked as a baker for 40 years.
Despite this passion for cooking, when he was still just a boy, he was more interested in aircraft. Hence he decided to study aviation.
He hadn’t properly taken in consideration the strength of his passion though, so after a few other jobs he ended up in a kitchen, starting there (and never underestimating again) his cuisine career.
After moving to Oxford, he met Alessandro who got him involved in BBuona project ,where over time and through professional trainings, he had the possibility to master the bakery, and specifically pinsa making art. Now he is Pizza Chef and General Manager at BBuona Pinsa Bar.
Here some tutorials for homemade Pinsa, where Selim shares his secrets for a Pinsa as tradition requires.
Pinsa has ancient origins, its specific ingredients and processing. Most of them have been passed down from generation to generation and endured to our own day. It originally was a white focaccia made with mixed cereal's flours (wheat, barley, millet, spelt), a poor meal made with what was handy and available.
The name comes from the Latin “pinsere” which means “lengthen”, “stretch”. It refers to the shape, which is oval.
Standard Pinsa flours mix nowadays is made of soft wheat, soy and rice. The main characteristic of the dough is the high hydration (it’s made by 75-80% of cold water). Which, alongside the small amount of yeast (organic only in our case) and the long leavening, makes Pinsa fragrant, crunchy, lighter and more digestible than Pizza.
PS: Subscribe to our BBUONA PINSA ACADEMY YouTube channel to stay up to date on all our new tutorials!
What’s Pinsa and differences with pizza
Pinsa’s ingredients, dough, leavening
Pinsa’s hand stretching and cooking
Our culinary tradition is something special. It’s based on simplicity, authenticity and respect for the amazing raw ingredients from our territory. Our tradition is also very precise, made of very specific ingredients and very specific way of processing them. Which vary from region to region and makes it so special. And you cannot fully get it without experiencing, touching, smelling, tasting it.
We come from Sabina and Rome areas, so we are extremely fond of every dish belonging to the Roman cuisine. But it’s the bakery world, especially Pinsa’s one, which spellbound us. We have undertaken technical trainings, we have studied (we still do), we constantly experiment, we keep reminding ourselves what’s our legacy and the tradition we have inherited.
We’d like to tell you about all this. Show you all this. Let you experience all this. In person, welcoming you with our “ciao, come stai?” and then start to cook together.

3rd edition - an overview of flours mixes, water, yeast and leaving, double cooking that make Pinsa so special.
Every Roman dish reminds us of home, of that smell from the kitchen, of grandma’s smile whilst cooking for us, always worried that we are not eating enough.
So while we wait to have you in one of our courses, you can enjoy cooking Italian (mainly Roman) recipes at home --> watch our BBUONA LIVE KITCHEN video recipes.

And with regards to Italian ingredients? You can buy them in our ALIMENTARI